
Add size charts to your Shopify products

Updated on July 4, 2022

Size charts (or guides) are a must for any Shopify merchant selling apparel online. With Tabs+, we’ve made it ridiculously easy to manage and display size guides on your Shopify product pages. To do this, we will be leveraging tab templates (help with tab templates):

  • Go to the “Tab templates” section in the app
  • Hit the “Create tab template” button


  • Enter the title of your tab template and select an icon (in this case, “size” works well!)
  • Click on the more options (…) button and create the table with size of your choosing


Enter your content - we recommend including each of your sizes, the type of measurement and then all applicable measurements:


Next, go back to the product page in Tabs+ and click on the product you want to add the size guide to:


Near the bottom of the page on the right there will be a button labelled “Add content tab”, click on that


Select “Size guide” from the list of templates on the left


Publish your changes by clicking the publish button in the top right of the page!


If everything was done correctly, your product page should now include the size chart/guide which you just created in the steps above!


That’s it! Contact us if you have any questions.

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